Monday, April 17, 2006

Good Friday: Day 13

Good Friday lived up to its Australian billing - Good Surf.

Today was one of our more traditional days. So rather than repeat we had coffee, we had a sandwich lunch and Cassius played with some new Australian friends on the beach.

The day ended with James and I yet again taking on the big surf towards the end of the day. It goes dark at 6 so everyone deserts the beach in unison. What was amazing was seeing the moon rise in the sky as the sun does in the morning over the Pacific horizon. It is the first time I have ever seen it and at first I mistook it for the sun going down. It was an incredible feeling to be surfing in the orangey moonlight.

In the evening I suggested a carrot and pasta bake which everyone rejected!
Instead we had a mixed fish box and chips from Yamba Fish Market. Delicious. We ended the evening watching a DVD, Jude and James had bought called Big Wednesday, a cult surf movie. Night, night.


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