Sunday, April 16, 2006

Surf's Up Jude: Day 12

Day twelve of our trip started with coffee and breakfast at our favourite deli in Yamba at the crossroads of Yamba Street and Coldtream Street. Katy and I have realised that we are addicted to coffee so going to a coffee shop has become a morning ritual.

After breakfast we walked down the high street as Katy wanted to get a bikini for the beach. Being the end of summer all the bikinis are 50% off so Katy took full advantage. While we were shopping James and Jude went off to hire our surf boards.

We met Jude and James down at Pippi Beach and the waves that didn’t feel so big from a distance now looked enormous. James and I took out our boards out for an inaugural Australian surf.

The sensation is a bit like when you go skiing for the first time. All around you are 10 year olds flying passed at great speed making you feel pretty pathetic. So with a strong determination to improve quickly we tried to master the big waves by jumping on the boards and seeing what happened. Well, put it this way, we drank a lot of Ocean.

The weather was getting quite overcast by this point so we decided to pack away the boards until the end of the day. Katy took Hero for a nap and Cassius and I planned our afternoon.

Fresh from his fishing experience in Shoal Bay, Cassius was keen to try his hand at some more over at the wharf. After a quick trip to get a hand line and some bait (prawns) we jumped in the car to catch our supper.

Clever these fish aren’t they? We obviously weren’t the first tourists to have tempted fish with prawns as each one was systematically and carefully removed by a smart shoal of fish. Cassius was quickly bored not surprisingly and so we took the more conventional route for getting supper and went shopping.
James and I ended the afternoon with a late surf which was much more rewarding – lots of good surf and lots of fun riding some perfect waves. The day was capped off with a delicious fish pie made by Jude and James. We were well and truly settled into Yamba life!


Blogger Rob said...

well jude has been surfing and losing her top in the waves. katy is more of a dignified breast stroker. (pun not intended!).

9:53 am  

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