We Made It: Sydney
The leg to Sydney was a bit tougher than the first but the kids were still amazing. Suddenly we were one hour to go and we really felt like we had finally made it after 23 hours in an aluminium tube. (I think we would have suffered a lot more if Katy had not thought of every eventuality! Also thanks to Mum and Ruthie for the flight-time treats - they worked as planned.)
The clocks changed in Sydney so we arrived an hour early at 6:05 on Sunday morning. I got two texts when we landed. One from Chelsea saying we'd drawn to Birmingham and one from Chris asking for a text when we were through immigration.
We cleared customs and immigration and sat having a coffee while Cassius and Hero stood with their faces pressed against the terminal windows shouting "Look Australia!". Chris picked us up and we all set off for Chris and Scarlett's apartment in Manly. We went the scenic route , passing over Harbour Bridge and the Opera House. It is an amazing City. Unlike anything in Europe. Wherever you seem to look there is bright blue water.
We arrived at C & S's on the water in Manly. It has views on all sides which are absolutely stunning. The sound of the waves below soon helped us overcome any sense of tiredness and the kids were insane with excitement. In fact so excited that Cass cut his foot open and Hero fell and got a bloody nose. But they weren't to be defeated.
Cass decided we needed to explore so we set off on foot for the beach at Manly. In Manly, we met back up with Katy, Hero & Scarlett while Chris went off to work. We also met Matt, Caroline and Louis (I worked with Matt before headed off to live in Oz) and Matt's parents and headed down to the beach with some brand new buckets and spades. It is a real surfer's paradise. Warm and perfect waves near to the shore.
Cass was straight in the water running and splashing about. Hero slept. After and hour's play we headed up for lunch and the beer that I have been dreaming about for months. My first Ozzie beer sat by the Ocean. It was worth the wait.
After lunch we headed back in groups to the flat. I went via the local yacht club with Hero (asleep) and had the beer that finished me off. When I got back I decided to write this blog to keep me awake but an hour later found myself asleep at the keyboard and headed into bed with Hero. Katy and Cass were next door having their siesta.
After a crucial but head spinning two-hour sleep we gathered together for supper. It was beyond the kids so we got them down early. We stayed discussing life in Sydney and wondering why everyone doesn't live here. Until tomorrow....
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